Competition Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I no longer cared that we were supposed to be rivals. (17.164)

For Wade, love trumps competition. Who needs a billion dollars when you can have an online romance with someone you've never met and might even be a different gender than you want them to be? Swoon.

Quote #8

Our conversations were now stilted and reserved, as if [Aech and I] were both afraid of revealing some key piece of information the other might be able to use. (20.17)

Competition is a double-edged sword. Early on, Aech and Wade's love of competition brings them together. In the middle of the book, it starts to tear them apart. Don't worry, though—their combined competitive drive to beat IOI will bring them back together in the end.

Quote #9

I would have to play a perfect game of Pac-Man. (22.35)

There are multiple competitions within the main competition for Halliday's Easter egg, and it shows just how competitive Wade is when he goes for the perfect game of Pac-Man as a bonus quest. It's not directly related to the egg hunt, and it could take anywhere from four to six hours. But he just can't help himself.