Appearances Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She seemed to be going for a sort of mid-'80s postapocalyptic cyberpunk girl-next-door look. And it was working for me, in a big way. In a word: hot. (9.4)

The OASIS is Wade's reality, so it makes sense that Art3mis's digital body would turn him on. Plus, he can always fantasize that she looks exactly like her avatar. But can it be love if you don't know the other person's physical presence? We're dubious.

Quote #5

"No one ever looks anything like their avatar." (17.73)

This line is ironically uttered by Art3mis, the one person who looks the most like her avatar out of all of them. Aside from that one thing, she seems pretty comfortable with herself and her appearance.

Quote #6

Art3mis winked at me, and then her legs melted together to form a mermaid's tail. (18.34)

People in OASIS can transform their bodies into even non-human forms. Why? Maybe the more appropriate question is why not?