Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Your brother's never learned to relate to anybody. All he can do, apparently, is go around giving people a bunch of stitches in their faces. He's absolutely unfit for marriage or anything halfway normal, for goodness' sake." ("Roof Beam" 3.14)

After you get a chance to read some of Seymour's diary entries, does Mrs. Fedder's assessment seem reasonable, or off base?

Quote #5

The contract writer quoted in the text, I might mention, has always been a great favorite - at appropriately staggered time intervals - with all the children in our family, largely through the immeasurable impact of Seymour's taste in poetry on all of us. ("Roof Beam" 3.28)

The impact that both Seymour and Buddy had on their younger siblings when it comes to education of every kind (spiritual, literary, philosophical, religious, etc.) is explored further in Franny and Zooey.

Quote #6

I met Muriel at the Biltmore at seven. Two drinks, two drugstore tuna-fish sandwiches, then a movie she wanted to see, something with Greer Garson in it. I looked at her several times in the dark when Greer Garson's son's plane was missing in action. Her mouth was open. Absorbed, worried. The identification with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer tragedy complete. I felt awe and happiness. How I love and need her undiscriminating heart. ("Roof Beam" 4.3)

Seymour views Muriel with such detachment that we have to wonder what kind of feelings he has for her.