Women and Femininity Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We believe in real education for women," Ingership's wife says. "We believe in achievement and empowerment, but why does that have to be at odds with simple feminine virtues—beauty and grace and a dedication to home and family? Why does that mean we have to swing a briefcase and be manly?" (29.19)

This is an example of what the feminine feminists believe in. But Illia is reciting this, which makes us wonder if she is actually being serious. Do you really think she believes in this speech, especially after seeing her stab Ingership with a scalpel?

Quote #8

"They left us to die and we are forced to carry our children, our children who will never outgrow us, and we will do this forever. Our burden is our love." (37.38)

Taking care of a child is hard enough, but having to take care of them for eternity is almost unfathomable. The mothers' burden reveals how strong they are to actually persevere in this world, and they make other characters' plights almost look easy.

Quote #9

"Deaths, they did this to all of us. We used to call them Father or Husband or Mister." (37.38)

Why do you think that men are called "Deaths"? Were the Detonations the result of men and men alone?