Pulp Fiction Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pulp Fiction.

Quote #4

LANCE: Still got your Malibu?

VINCENT: You know what some f***er did to it other day?

LANCE: What?

VINCENT: F***in' keyed it.

LANCE: Oh man, that's f***ed up.

VINCENT: Tell me about it. I had the goddamn thing in storage three years. It's out five f***in' days—five days—and some dickless piece of s*** f***s with it.

LANCE: They should be f***in' killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.

VINCENT: I just wish I caught 'em doin' it, ya know? Oh man, I'd give anything to catch 'em doin' it. It'a been worth his doin' it, if I coulda just caught 'em, you know what I mean?

Capital punishment for defacing a car? Okay, maybe Lance is exaggerating a bit, but Vincent seems more serious. Maybe that's why Vincent's in the hitman business; delivering his own sense of justice to all the people who've wronged him (or his boss). Ironically, the person who keyed his car is actually the person who kills him.

Quote #5

(In Butch's apartment, Vincent steps out of the bathroom to meet Butch with a gun pointed at him. Butch fires and kills Vincent.)

This is definitely a Tarantino Universe situation: our protagonist up to this point is surprised on his way out of the bathroom, of all places, and unceremoniously gunned down as Toaster Pastries with perfect timing pop up out of the toaster.

Quote #6

BUTCH: I meant what now, between me and you?

MARSELLUS: Oh, that what now? Well, let me tell you what now between me an' you. There no me an' you. Not no more.

BUTCH: So we're cool?

MARSELLUS: Yeah man, we're cool.

Butch's act of courage and sympathy has brought about his personal salvation. At least his salvation from Marsellus, who wanted to kill him less than an hour before. This is a great example of the code of justice among gangsters, based completely on loyalty. As long as Butch promises to shut up about what happened, get out of town and stay out, Marsellus won't hunt him down.