Society and Class Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I do not give you permission to move. You stay right exactly where you are or risk my wrath, which, I must tell you in advance, is considerable." (5.298)

Count Rugen is a nobleman, and he's not going to stand by and let a silly commoner like Domingo Montoya disrespect him, so he orders Domingo to stay exactly where he is when Domingo starts to move away. And it's a good idea for Domingo to do as he says, since we find out later just how bad the Count's temper can be.

Quote #8

"You're a peasant and a fool and I want my sword." (5.349)

For the second time, Domingo Montoya disrespects Count Rugen. Except this time, Rugen won't let him get away with it. This is the scene that actually ends with Rugen murdering Domingo and thus creating the revenge machine that is Inigo Montoya.

Quote #9

"So I shall help you as you go through life, by leaving you with a reminder that bad manners are to be avoided." (5.374)

Count Rugen understands why little Inigo Montoya would want to kill him. Then again, he can't let a peasant child get away with calling him a coward and challenging him to a duel, so he gives Inigo two scars to remember him by.