Family Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Jason is ten, darling, and not interested, at this stage, in girls." (I.251)

Goldman is worried about where Jason's weight is going to get him when he starts wanting to date girls. Apart from the fact that this is blatantly superficial, Helen tells him that Jason isn't yet old enough to care about dating. She is confident that Jason knows how to live his own life to its fullest.

Quote #8

But my father only read me the action stuff, the good parts. He never bothered with the serious side at all. (I.287)

It's only when he's an adult that Goldman realizes his father was skipping through The Princess Bride when he used to read the book to him. This is because Goldman's father wanted to keep the story interesting, which is exactly why Goldman sets out to create a new "good parts" version of the story for kids to enjoy into the future.

Quote #9

And my father read it to me. And now I give it to you. What you do with it will be of more than passing interest to us all. (I.312)

Here, Goldman reminds us that his connection to The Princess Bride stems from a deep sense of love and connection to his father. And that's probably his proudest reason for presenting the book to us in its new "good parts" version.