Appearances Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But through her sixteenth year, even this kind of talk gave way to stammering and flushing and, at the very best, questions about the weather. (1.22)

As Buttercup gets older, the boys in her home village have a harder and harder time talking to her. That's because she's so beautiful that all of them get super nervous around her. The funny thing is that she doesn't think about her appearance at all and does nothing to look after it.

Quote #8

Prince Humperdinck was shaped like a barrel. His chest was a great barrel chest, his thighs mighty barrel thighs. (2.5)

Humperdinck is a thick dude in both body and mind. Yes, he's super strong and wide, but his brain is also thick insofar as he's stubborn and totally unable to change his mind about something once he's made a decision. It's a classic case of appearance and personality being totally the same.

Quote #9

"I'm not marrying any bald princess, and that's that!" (3.54)

Prince Humperdinck is a proud man, and he's not going to marry a bald princess because he doesn't want the commoners snickering about him behind his back. We never actually get any indication of whether Humperdinck himself cares about the baldness; at this point, he only cares about what others will think of him.