Platoon Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Platoon.

Quote #4

RHAH: And dig this you assholes, and dig it good, Barnes been shot 7 times and he ain't dead, does that mean anything to you, huh? Barnes ain't meant to die. The only thing that can kill Barnes, is Barnes

Barnes is one of those guys who somehow manages to cheat death over and over again. "Shot 7 times and… ain't dead," as Rhah describes it. He seems destined for immortality. If Platoon makes one thing clear, it's that even the luckiest of fellows, like Barnes, will have to report to the afterlife at some point.

Quote #5

KING: Somewhere out there is the beast and he hungry tonight

The beast isn't hungry for cheese pizza. He's hungry for bodies. The jungle—and the enemy it contains—is a fearsome, cannibalistic machine, a creature that inflicts death on scores of soldiers at a time.

Quote #6

BARNES: Everybody gotta die sometime Red.

Barnes is like Bunny: they both accept the inevitability of death and really don't seem too worried about it at all. Barnes uses this logic to justify things like not allowing O'Neill to take his vacation time, must to O'Neill's frustration.