Persepolis Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

"[Marji] should start learning to defend her rights as a woman right now!" (10.32)

Marji gets a lot of her feminist nature from her mother. If her mother was the type of person to wear the veil and force Marji into wearing it also, without having a discussion about how wrong she felt it was, Marji would be a different person. Heck, we probably wouldn't have this book were it not for her mother's influence.

Quote #5

"Soon, it won't just be food. With all those sluts out there, we're going to have to watch our husbands." (12.42)

Whoa. Persepolis just got real, y'all, turning into an episode of the Bad Girls Club. It's incredible how fast the women of Iran turn against each other, referring to other women as sluts for no reason other than to shame them and humiliate them in public.

Quote #6

"They told him that in Paradise there will be plenty of food, women, and houses made of gold and diamonds."


"Yeah. Well, he's fourteen years old. That's exciting." (13.39-13.41)

The government uses women as a propaganda tactic to lure boys into war. All this really does is reinforce to the boys of Iran that women are no more than property. More than ever, we need Destiny's Child to remind all the independent women to throw their hands up at us.