Persepolis Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

We had demonstrated on the very day we shouldn't have: on "Black Friday." That day there were so many killed in one of the neighborhoods that a rumor spread that Israeli soldiers were responsible for the slaughter. But in fact it was really our own who had attacked us. (5.46-5.47)

This is a complicated quote to unpack. When Marji says it was their own who attacked them, she's referring to two things: (1) The scandal surrounding the attack that was blamed on Israeli soldiers, and (2) the people who slapped them for protesting on that day. Politically, Iran is still conflicted, and plagued by people attacking their own.

Quote #5

As long as there is oil in the Middle East we will never have peace. (6.15)

Oil is a huge political motivator, because it's desired by every industrialized country. If people find a way to create electricity from lobster, then Maine is in trouble.

Quote #6

Politics and sentiment don't mix. (6.17)

Marji's father is talking about the relationship between Egypt and the Shah, but the same quote can be applied to Marji's internal conflict regarding her feelings and her politics. You've heard the phrase it's business, not personal, but sometimes business is really personal. Just ask Donald Trump, who loves "hiring" his friends on Celebrity Apprentice. We're looking at you, Joan Rivers.