Persepolis Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

"How many did they kill?"

"No one knows exactly. Many thousands, or rather, many tens of thousands of people."

"And the victims of the war?"

"Between 500,000 and 1,000,000." (29.70-29.72)

The war took a huge toll. These are frightening numbers, and the fact that many of these were the Iranian government executing its own people is even scarier.

Quote #8

It's said that red tulips grow from the blood of martyrs. (32.43)

We know we're beating this martyr thing to death (sorry), but here's one last example of how much the Iranians glamorize dying for Iran: Your blood will grow flowers. Seriously?

Quote #9

"Poor Farzad. He was so handsome. I can't believe he's dead." (35.80)

This is a loaded line for tons of reasons. What is this girl saying? Handsome people can't die? Most likely she's in shock because her friend died. You don't expect your friend to die, especially not at the hands of the police during a party.