Persepolis Marjane Quotes

Only my grandmother knew about my book. (1.31)

Marji is referring to a holy (well, holy-ish) book that she's writing herself. Marji's grandmother is the person in her family whom she is the closest to. Maybe this is because she tells her, "I'll be your first disciple" (1.31). She always believes in Marji, even at a very young age.


Quote 35

A few months later, I learned […] that the Mullah who had interviewed me had really appreciated my honesty. Apparently, he'd even said that I was the only one who didn't lie. I was lucky. I had stumbled on a true religious man. (32.62)

There aren't many true religious men in Iran. Most of them use religion as a means to power, but the man in charge of admitting Marjane to college truly believes, and he appreciates Marjane's true belief as well.


Quote 36

Each time that I asked my mother to pray for me, my wish was granted. (27.4)

This passage marks the first time in a while that Marjane has mentioned God. We have to ask: Does she only have faith in God when he's doing something for her? What kind of way is that to treat a friend?