Persepolis Marjane's Mother Quotes

"My God! He repeats what they tell him." (6.38)

Oh, Mom. Here she is again calling attention to the general ignorance of children—they repeat what their parents tell them. We're not sure if this ever changes, because let's face it: as Marji gets older, she becomes a combination of both her parents' ideals. Even as an adult, she's still repeating what her parents say, to some extent. It's just filtered.

"Everything has to be rebuilt now."

"While we wait for the next war which will destroy everything again." (29.44)

Marjane's mother says the second line here, and Marjane calls her mother "disillusioned" (29.47). Is she disillusioned or realistic? Iran has been at war for over 2000 years it seems. She's right that there will be another one eventually. Does that mean they shouldn't rebuild?

"How good it feels to walk without a veil on my head." (25.36)

We wonder when the last time was that Marjane's mother got to walk around in public without a veil. It's freeing to be able to do this on the streets of Vienna. Can you imagine being required to wear something when you go out, especially something you don't want to wear? What if we all had to wear Bieber shirts every time we left the house? What if he had to wear a shirt, any shirt? There would be riots in the street either way.