Persepolis Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

As for Houshang, Zozo's husband, he was a CEO in Iran, but in Austria, he was nothing. (20.18)

It's hard for someone to succeed after they flee the country. Zozo's family sacrifices quality of life for their freedom in Vienna. They don't seem happy though. Do you think it's worth it?

Quote #8

"How good it feels to walk without a veil on my head." (25.36)

We wonder when the last time was that Marjane's mother got to walk around in public without a veil. It's freeing to be able to do this on the streets of Vienna. Can you imagine being required to wear something when you go out, especially something you don't want to wear? What if we all had to wear Bieber shirts every time we left the house? What if he had to wear a shirt, any shirt? There would be riots in the street either way.

Quote #9

A part of me understood [my old friends]. When something is forbidden, it takes on a disproportionate importance. (30.12)

Marjane has picked up on something that happens to people who, for example, have super-strict parents or live in a rural town. The attraction of the forbidden: whether it be fame, drugs, or sex, is strong. Iran is like living in a rural town full of super-strict parents. As soon as they are moderately liberated, Marjane's friends want the whole Hollywood lifestyle.