Persepolis Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

"It's important that you know. Our family memory must not be lost." (8.53)

Family stories are important, even the ones that are difficult to relive. Maybe the ones that are difficult to relive are especially important. Anoosh wants to share these with young Marji to teach her. Perhaps he doesn't want her to repeat his mistakes.

Quote #5

"The basis of education comes from the family!" (13.25)

We agree with this, but what happens when the family's educational ideals are directly opposite those of the state-run government's ideals? Is there a way to compromise? Marji's father stands up for his family's ideals and insults the female school principal's moustache. So there you go—way to go, Pops.

Quote #6

Her mother had already abandoned her. Since that day, I've had doubts about the so-called "maternal instinct." (14.25-14.26)

This little aside says a lot about Marji and her observation skills. Her aunt, who had just had a baby, leaves Marji's small cousin in Marji's arms and runs. This woman decides to save herself over her baby, causing Marji to draw the conclusion that the "maternal instinct" isn't universal, and some women will save themselves first. This isn't a strange conclusion for Marji to make, particularly since she lives in a society where neighbors will turn in neighbors for being different. "Saving yourself first" is a big part of the culture in Iran, unfortunately.