Persepolis Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

I didn't always like [tripping], but I by far preferred boring myself with [Ingrid] to having to confront my solitude and my disappointments. (26.75)

Marjane doesn't tell us anything about her "friend" Ingrid. Maybe it's because the only thing the two of them have in common is a taste for hallucinogenic substances?

Quote #8

This is how, for love, I began my career as a drug dealer. (26.105)

Marjane goes to extremes to fit in because, as an Iranian woman living in Vienna, she is an extreme outsider. Because of this, she makes fun of people to fit in, changes her appearance, and yes, deals drugs. Drugs seem to connect a lot of outsiders, at least on the surface. How connected can you be if you're high all the time though?

Quote #9

I had started taking more and more [drugs]. At first, Markus was very impressed, then, he started to lecture me, and finally, he distanced himself. (27.4-27.26)

Ah, this perfectly illustrates what we talked about above, with drugs connecting people at first, but ultimately driving them apart. With Marjane high all the time, Markus has no way to relate to her, so he pulls away from her… and eventually finds someone else.