Persepolis Contrasting Regions: Iran and Everywhere Else in the World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

My eight housemates were eight men, all homosexuals. (25.4)

This is a huge change for Marjane because, as you may or may not know, there are no homosexuals in Iran. At least, that's what Iran wants you to think.

Quote #8

"As soon as they learn our nationality, they go through everything, as though we were all terrorists. They treat us as though we have the plague." (25.42)

The way the world treats Iranians affects them greatly. Their morale isn't just beaten down by their own government, it's beaten down by the world. It must be hard to stand up for yourself when everyone makes you feel like you're worthless.

Quote #9

It had been so long since I'd been able to talk to someone without having to explain my culture. (25.62)

Marjane has a hard time being an Iranian anywhere in the world. Even outside Iran, she's constantly having to explain Iran. It must be exhausting. She has a good time just relating to her mother on a person-to-person level. Maybe this is why when people from other countries get together, they prefer speaking their culture's language instead of English.