Lies and Deceit Quotes in The Lightning Thief

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He was this annoying televangelist from upstate New York who'd raised millions of dollars for orphanages and then got caught spending the money on stuff for his mansion, like gold-plated toilet seats, and an indoor putt-putt golf course. (18.111)

Though the gods deceive each other and humans all the time, humans are not immune to lying either. Here, we are reminded of the way in which a human can create an entire life out of a lie. Humans take advantage of each other, just as the gods often take advantage of them.

Quote #8

"You were the thief on the winter solstice," he said. "Your father directed you into the throne room on Olympus. You took the master bolt and my helm." (19.118)

While it seems like Hades is trapping Percy in a beautiful lie that he (Hades) crafted, it becomes clear that Hades is the victim of a master deception plot. Hades is just as much a pawn as Percy is.

Quote #9

But suddenly the world turned sideways. I realized I'd been played with. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades had been set at each other's throats by someone else. The master bolt had been in the backpack, and I'd gotten the backpack from… (19.142)

Percy had gotten the backpack from Ares back in Denver. Ares is definitely laid the groundwork for this deception plot (taking the reigns from Luke), but just as Percy, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are pawns, Ares is too. Ares is the pawn of Kronos. And Kronos is the mastermind. It's like one crazy chess game.