Parsley Resources


Modern American Poetry: Rita Dove

A super-useful collection of articles and interviews, mostly centered around "Parsley," but with some general info about Dove as well.

Rita Dove Homepage

A hugely comprehensive collection of all things Rita Dove, from the UVA faculty web space.

Day of the Dead Website

This website primarily covers the Mexican traditions associated with the Day of the Dead, but the holiday customs are similar across Latin America. In Parsley, Trujillo's mom died while baking Day of the Dead sweets.

The River Massacre: Real and Imagined Borders of Hispaniola

A long article about Trujillo's dictatorship, written by Michele Wucker.

Library of Congress: Rita Dove

Another incredibly comprehensive website, full of links to audio, video, and criticism.


Dove Reads "Parsley"
In this episode of NPR's Poet's Corner, Dove reads and discusses "Parsley."


Interview with Rita Dove

Charlie Rose interviews Rita Dove on June 4, 1999.

If You Can't Be Free, Be A Mystery

From the University of California Television. Dove speaks about "Parsley" and the Parsley Massacre, and reads her poem. (The video is a bit fuzzy in the first few moments, but it clears up!)


Rita Dove

A photo gallery of Rita Dove images from the Academy of Achievement.

Haitian Sugar Cane Image Gallery

An interesting collection of images of Haitian/Dominican cane workers. (Caution: some of the site appears to be in Swedish, but you can click on the tiny UK flag at the top to translate to English.)

El General

A photo of Rafael Trujillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic who ordered the Parsley Massacre.


Just in case you don't know what the herb looks like…


Here's a picture of a "parsley green" parrot.