The Home Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But why here? How is this better than home? And if it's so great, why leave? (2.12.25)

Quentin doesn't understand why Margo would set up a camp in an abandoned mini-mall and basically live there for days. What makes Margo want to call that place home temporarily?

Quote #8

[Margo] has relocated her offices from an abandoned mini-mall in Florida to an abandoned barn in New York, and I have found her. (3.22.18)

Maybe these places are more like pit stops for Margo on the way to her eventual home, or maybe her home is just, well, her—her car, her books, herself.

Quote #9

I can't believe [Margo]'s been living like this, this irreconcilable mix of tidy suburbaniality and creepy decay. But then again, I can't believe how much time I wasted believing she was living any other way. (3.22.64)

By this point, Quentin should have realized that Margo is completely comfortable living in a dump.