Our Mutual Friend Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The reversion falling in soon after they were married. (7.5.4)

The property laws of 19th-century England were pretty tough on women. For starters, women tended to lose all of their property once they got married, because this property would belong to their husbands. As you can imagine, this fact led to more than a few fights between husbands and wives.

Quote #8

"You were obliged to tell him! Do you know he is worth fifty of you?" (10.15.109)

Charley Hexam can't believe that his sister Lizzie would turn down a marriage proposal from someone as great as Bradley Headstone. He can't imagine why a lower-class woman like Lizzie wouldn't marry Bradley, especially since a marriage to Bradley would raise her status in society.

Quote #9

"I feel persuaded that I shall live long enough to be married, dear fellow." (18.10.88)

Eugene knows that he's dying. But before he goes, he wants Lizzie Hexam to marry him. His buddy Mortimer is skeptical about whether he has enough time, but Eugene is confident he can hold out until the wedding.