Our Mutual Friend Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My respected father has found, down in the parental neighbourhood, a wife for his not-generally-respected son." (4.12.18)

Eugene Wrayburn has learned that his father has found a young lady for him (Eugene) to marry. But Eugene is a rebellious son. He has no plans to marry anyone, let alone some girl he's never met. Take that, Daddy-o.

Quote #5

"How to your father? Can you ask! By perpetuating the consequences of his ignorant and blind obstinacy." (6.2.42)

Eugene thinks that Lizzie is ruining her life by refusing to get an education. He considers this a betrayal not only of herself, but also of her father. After all, it's her father's prejudices that made him forbid her from getting an education. And by giving into these prejudices, Lizzie is ruining Gaffer's legacy: herself.

Quote #6

"Upon my soul […] you are a nice picture of a sister! Upon my soul, you are a pretty piece of disinterestedness! And so all my endeavours to cancel the past and to raise myself in the world, and to raise you with me, are to be beaten down by your low whims; are they?" (10.15.113)

Charley is furious that his sister Lizzie has turned down a marriage proposal from his schoolmaster, Bradley Headstone. Charley has worked hard to raise himself up in the world, and he wants to raise Lizzie with him. But he can't do that if Lizzie throws away her best chance at advancing, which is marriage. Then again, Lizzie can't stand Headstone.