Foreignness and the Other Quotes in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Chapter.Section.Paragraph), (Act.Special Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Every summer Santo Domingo slaps the Diaspora engine into reverse, yanks back as many of its expelled children as it can; airports choke with the overdressed; necks and luggage carousels groan under the accumulated weight of that year's cadenas and paquetes [chains and packages], and pilots fear for their planes—overburdened beyond belief—and for themselves; restaurants, bars, clubs, theaters, malecones [piers], beaches, resorts, hotels, moteles [motels], extra rooms, barrios, colonias [colonies], campos [fields], ingenios [mills] swarm with quisqueyanos [someone from Quisqueya] from the world over. Like someone had sounded a general reverse evacuation order: Back home, everyone! Back home! (

If Wao is about leaving your homeland, it's also about returning to it. Oscar, Lola, and Beli all return to the Dominican Republic to visit the country that, to various degrees, is their home. (Side note: It could be argued that Oscar returns home for good when he decides to pursue Ybón…)