Orion Resources


Orion’s Stars

This site tells you the names of all the stars in Orion's constellation. Hint: one of them is actually a nebula. Don't know what that is? Don't worry, this site fills you in on that too.

More Stars

We know you're dying to know what the constellation Orion looks like, so click on the link below. Well, you could just go outside at night and look up. Oh, whatever, do both.

Movie or TV Productions

Hercules and Orion Get Disni-fied

In this cartoon adventure, young Hercules springs constellation Orion from the sky, but things get totally out of control when the other constellations make a break for it.


Tour of Orion

This Youtube video takes you on a trippy trip through the constellation Orion, while listening to some kind of intense techno-y metal music. (Fun stuff.)


Ben Bova (Yes, that's his name.)

If you're dying to hear Ben Bova's sci-fi novel about an eternal hero named Orion, then we've got just the link for you.


Astronomy by Hesiod

Only fragments of this ancient text exist, but one of them gives you the low-down on Orion.

The Odyssey by Homer

In this epic poem, Odysseus has an Orion sighting when he swings by the Underworld to consult with the seer, Tiresias.

The Library of History by Diodorus Siculus

Diodorus claims in his ancient poem that Orion was the biggest, strongest hero of all time. (We wonder what Heracles would have to say about that.)

The Library by Apollodorus

Yup, Orion can walk on water. At least that's what Apollodorus says in this ancient text.