Family Quotes in Ordinary People

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's ridiculous. Your mother does not hate you—" (13.119)

Calvin is interrupted before he can continue, which is a good thing, because it would be difficult to find proof that Beth doesn't hate Conrad. "Because she's his mother" isn't a good enough answer in this situation. If Beth does love Conrad, she never really shows it.

Quote #8

"Like she can't love you enough. Like she loves you as much as she's able. Perspective, kiddo, remember? Maybe she's afraid, maybe it's hard for her to give love." (14.40)

There's a certain level of expectation put upon a mother. Because Beth loves differently (if you believe this theory), does that make her a bad mother?

Quote #9

"Well, maybe rotten sons deserve lousy fathers." (17.83)

Berger is being sarcastic here, trying to convince Calvin, with humor, that Conrad isn't a rotten son and that Calvin isn't a lousy father. He's trying to show Conrad that he isn't responsible for his parents' behavior.