Dissatisfaction Quotes in Ordinary People

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Calvin] had left off being a perfectionist then, when he discovered that […] not anything cleared you through the terrifying office of chance; that it is chance and not perfection that rules the world. (11.31)

Being a perfectionist is the perfect (har har) way to set yourself up for disappointment, since life is always just waiting to screw up your perfect world. Calvin has realized that, but Beth hasn't yet. Or she doesn't want to. This fact sometimes makes perfectionists just try harder. What is Beth's definition of perfection, anyway?

Quote #5

"If you ever do a survey, you'll find that people prefer illusion to reality, ten to one." (11.68)

We missed this episode of Family Feud. But Beth, who says this line, is in the "ten" camp, preferring her perfect illusion to imperfect reality.

Quote #6

"She hates me. There's nothing I can do about it." (13.117)

Just as trees and plants have many roots, so do problems. There isn't ever just one. But a major root of Conrad's dissatisfaction with life is the fact that he feels like he is always letting his mother down.