Optics Quiz True or False

1. A real image is an image that -> is right side up and has light rays passing through it
2. Snell's law says that when light travels from one medium to the next -> if the index of refraction is lower in the first medium, the angle of incidence, θ1 will be larger than θ2.
3. Diffraction is -> is what causes virtual images to be formed
4. . At what angle of incidence would light be refracted at 90° when it hits an object? -> the critical angle
5. What is the critical angle for light traveling from a medium with a refractive index of 1.7 to one with a refractive index of 1.5? -> undefined
6. The image height of an upside down image is defined to be ____. -> either positive or negative
7. What is special about a plane mirror? -> both (a) and (b)
8. Standing between the center of curvature and the focal point of the mirror,we see an upside down image of ourselves that is 6 times as tall as reality. What is the image distance when we stand 4 m from the mirror? -> -24 m
9. An object is 60 cm away from a convex mirror, which has a radius of curvature of 25 cm. What is the image distance for this object? -> 0.21 cm
10. When standing between the focal point and center of curvature of a concave mirror, what do we see? -> an upside down, enlarged, real image
