On the Road Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #31

"Just passed the tip of Florida, man - Flomaton, it’s called." Florida! We were rolling down to the coastal plain and Mobile; up ahead were great soaring clouds of the Gulf of Mexico. It was only thirty-two hours since we’d said good-by to everybody in the dirty snows of the North. (II.6.15)

Sal repeatedly wonders at the speed at which Dean moves. On his own, Sal can travel. But Dean, it seems, can really move.

Quote #32

Then I raced him down the road. I can do the hundred in 10:5. He passed me like the wind. As we ran I had a mad vision of Dean running through all of life just like that - his bony face outthrust to life, his arms pumping, his brow sweating, his legs twinkling like Groucho Marx, yelling, "Yes! Yes, man, you sure can go!" But nobody could go as fast as he could, and that’s the truth. (II.7.16)

Sal begins to define Dean by his movements.

Quote #33

What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-by. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies. (II.8.1)

Sal recognizes the transience of people and places in his travel, but deems the sacrifice and loss worth the adventure of what may come next.