On the Road Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #19

The kind of utter darkness that falls on a prairie like that is Inconceivable to an Easterner. There were no stars, no moon, no light whatever except the light of Mrs. Wall’s kitchen. What lay beyond the shadows of the yard was an endless view of the world that you wouldn’t be able to see till dawn. (III.8.19)

For Sal, everything is different in the West, all the way up to the movement of the stars.

Quote #20

The picture was Singing Cowboy Eddie Dean and his gallant white horse Bloop, that was number one; number two double-feature film was George Raft, Sidney Greenstreet, and Peter Lorre in a picture about Istanbul. We saw both of these things six times each during the night. We saw them waking, we heard them sleeping, we sensed them dreaming, we were permeated completely with the strange Gray Myth of the West and the weird dark Myth of the East when morning came. (III.11.2)

Sal continues to struggle to reconcile his visions of the East and the West.

Quote #21

Not five nights later we went to a party in New York and I saw a girl called Inez and told her I had a friend with me that she ought to meet sometime. I was drunk and told her he was a cowboy. "Oh, I’ve always wanted to meet a cowboy." (III.11.7)

Dean’s appeal as a cowboy of the West extends not only to Sal, but to Easterners in general.