Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes in On the Beach

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If we could get them out this winter and dig the ground over, I could plant it in the spring and we'd have vegetables all next summer." (4.27)

This sounds like a great idea until you realize that everyone on the planet will be dead by next summer. Talk about a buzzkill. Still, we think that Mary realizes this, even if she doesn't say it out loud. She's just dealing with an awful situation in the only way she knows how.

Quote #5

They went on happily planning their garden for the next ten years, and the morning passed very quickly. (4.36)

Although Peter sometimes gets annoyed by Mary's tendency to plan for a nonexistent future, we see here that he does get a lot out of it. Mary's planning takes his mind off reality for a moment and allows him to enjoy life a bit.

Quote #6

"I've been keen on motor racing all my life. It's what I've always wanted to do, but there's never been any money. Then I heard of this Ferrari." (4.405)

John Osborne responds to the oncoming crisis in the coolest possible way: by buying a sports car. Instead of getting all sad and mopey about everything that's happened, John decides to fulfill a lifelong dream. Now that's how you make lemonade out of lemons.