On Being Brought from Africa to America Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

Remember Christians, Negros, black as Cain (7)

Enter Cain, the biblical character that killed his brother out of jealousy. What's unique here is that Wheatley writes "black as Cain." Again, this could be a spiritual darkness because of the murder he committed, but it could also be the physical mark God gave him after he killed his brother. Wheatley also pairs up Christians with Negroes by separating them with a comma. So what's being compared here? Well, how the punctuation functions has been up for debate, but we've got Christians, Negroes, and Cain. It could be argued that Wheatley's grouping race together here under a general umbrella of Christianity. It could also be interpreted that she's seemingly addressing Christians in this line, but separating Negroes out, and therefore subtly addressing white Christians. Either way, she continues that doubling of the figurative and literal "black" of her race, and goes on to equate black Christians with white Christians. Not bad for just a few words.