Competition Quotes in Olympics Books

How we cite our quotes: (Book)

Quote #10

Thirty-five hundred. The number sounded so high yet so small at the same time. When I ran my lap around the camp each day, there were boys as far as the eye could see. I never thought of trying to count them all, but I knew thirty-five hundred was a drop in the bucket compared to so many lost boys. And I'd heard other boys' stories. Everyone had lived through hell. Many of these boys had lived through hell far longer than me. You couldn't even call a lot of them boys anymore. (Running For My Life)

Sometimes, a person comes along and reminds us that competition isn't always fun and games. For Lopez Lomong, he had to compete amongst all the boys in the refugee camp for a chance to immigrate to America. For him, it wasn't about being the best, or standing out. It was a matter of life and death. That's not a game, but it sure is a competition.