Nothing Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Henrik stubbornly and stupidly maintained that the snake in formaldehyde didn't belong on the heap of meaning. However, it helped some that Hussain held the jar with the snake up above Henrik's head at recess […] and threatened to smash it against his skull if Henrik didn't give the snake up to the heap. (8.6)

Teller does a great job of foreshadowing the violence to come, building up suspense by showing us little glimpses of the cruelty of which the members of 7A are capable. Take note, budding writers: this is how you do it.

Quote #5

Jon-Johan examined the knife, which had been stuck back into the post, now all begrimed with dried blood.

"Who would have thought Pretty Rosa had a butcher inside her!" he exclaimed, and laughed loudly. (15.27-28)

On the other hand, it's amazing how dumb some of these characters can be despite the foreshadowing. Paging Jon-Johan: don't bring a knife into the picture if you've participated in a rape and your turn is yet to come. Duh.

Quote #6

Something cold had come over Sofie ever since the thing about the innocence. Cold. Colder. Frost, ice, and snow. (16.7-8)

Interestingly, Sofie is also the one who's most invested in the heap of meaning being meaningful. What do you think she knows that her classmates don't?