Northanger Abbey Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Young people will be young people, as your good mother says herself. You know I wanted you, when we first came, not to buy that sprigged muslin, but you would. Young people do not like to be always thwarted."

"But this was something of real consequence; and I do not think you would have found me hard to persuade." (13.35-6)

Mrs. Allen's philosophy on young people is problematic here. She lets Catherine do what she wants, thinking that "young people" like to have their way. But Catherine shows a lot of maturity by noting that she would appreciate some guidance in a strange new place.

Quote #8

"All those things should be allowed for in youth and high spirits. What one means one day, you know, one may not mean the next. Circumstances change, opinions alter." (18.18)

Isabella links youth with freedom of behavior here and seems to think that rapidly changing opinions is a prerogative, or privilege, of youth. Isabella seems to suggest that youth shouldn't be held accountable for changing their minds. This makes sense, given Isabella's irresponsible behavior – she doesn't want to face consequences.

Quote #9

She raised her eyes towards him more fully than she had ever done before. (24.25)

This is a climactic moment between Henry and Catherine. By looking at Henry "more fully," she both sees him clearly and presents herself to him as a more mature adult, rather than as a meek youth.