Northanger Abbey Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. My attachments are always excessively strong." (6.14)

Isabella's sentiments on friendship are a bit confusing. She is selfish, but her attachment to Catherine is, or appears to be, very strong. Isabella seems to hint that she has high expectations for friendships as she places an emphasis on people who are "really" her friends.

Quote #5

[…] having gone through the usual ceremonial of meeting her friend with the most smiling and affectionate haste, of admiring the set of her gown, and envying the curl of her hair, they followed their chaperons, arm in arm, into the ball-room, whispering to each other whenever a thought occurred, and supplying the place of many ideas by a squeeze of the hand or a smile of affection. (8.1)

This paints a nice picture of the affectionate friendship between Isabella and Catherine, but two words put a bit of a damper on things: "ceremonial" and "haste." It sounds like Isabella is rushing to do what's expected as a friend.

Quote #6

Catherine began to doubt the happiness of a situation which confining her entirely to her friend and her brother, gave her very little share in the notice of either. (10.9)

Catherine experiences the woes of being a third-wheel here, while Isabella and James come off as somewhat rude for ignoring Catherine.