North by Northwest Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from North by Northwest.

Quote #4

THORNHILL: If we ever get out of this alive, let's go back to New York on the train together, alright?

EVE: Is that a proposition?

THORNHILL: It's a proposal, sweetie.

Eve repeats Thornhill's question from their first extended conversation on the train, in the dining car: "Is that a proposition?" This underscores how how far they've come since that first encounter. And with his "proposal" Thornhill's already predicting the happy ending as well as satisfying the production code guys.

Quote #5

THORNHILL: Come along, Mrs. Thornhill.

Hitchcock wouldn't have been allowed to show his lovers climbing into bed unless they were married, and this dialogue was a last-minute addition. The film yadda-yaddas over the marriage part. One minute Eve's hanging perilously over a cliff, the next minute she's safely in the arms of Thornhill.