Family Quotes in New Moon

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #10

He wouldn’t want to disappoint Carlisle… Not at the end. (19.138)

Bella believes that the desire to not want to disappoint your parents is a universal trait when it comes to family. Do you think that's true?

Quote #11

[Aro to Edward:] "I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control, but you put him to shame." (21.81)

Aro not only believes that Edward "inherited" many of Carlisle’s qualities, but that he took these qualities to a higher level. Do you believe that to be true?

Quote #12

[Esme to Edward:] "You will never put me through this again," she nearly growled. (22.112)

Just like any human mother, Esme was worried about her son. Do you think Edward’s death would have affected her as strongly as a human mother? Or maybe more strongly since she's been expecting to spend eternity with him?