Friendship Quotes in Never Let Me Go

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Now, for much the same reasons I'd not been able to talk openly to Ruth about what I'd done to her over the Sales Register business, she of course wasn't able to thank me for the way I'd intervened with Midge. But it was obvious from her manner towards me, not just over the next few days, but over the weeks that followed, how pleased she was with me. (6.19)

Ruth and Kathy are almost telepathic. And sometimes their inability to just talk to each other only causes more problems. But instead of words, it's almost like they have another secret language they use to communicate.

Quote #5

As it happened, I didn't have to go through with it because Tommy found out first. (7.48-49)

Even Kathy has her slip-ups. When she tells Tommy that she'll strap his arm so that his elbow won't "unzip," she knows she's lying to her friend. Not cool, Kath. Years later, Kathy not only remembers this incident, but she still feels the same emotion she felt back then when she betrayed her friend: guilt.

Quote #6

"It's really good you're telling me this," I said eventually. "I probably am the best person. Talking to Tommy and all that." (9.18)

Tommy and Kathy have always had a special bond. So when Ruth asks Kathy to talk to him about getting back together with Ruth, we're not surprised to see a hint of competition in the air. In fact, Kathy will repeat this idea that she's the best person to talk to Tommy a few paragraphs later. Looks like things can get complicated when friendship gets mixed with romance.