Violence Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Senator, he was. Knew his fat face right away. We were both covered in blood. We weren't alone. She was all…" (11.147)

In the novel's beginning, the violence of Chiba City was committed by criminals and the members of low society. But let's not forget that violence knows no social boundaries.

Quote #8

"You are a very rude girl. Suicides here are conduced with a degree of decorum. That's what I'm doing, you understand. But perhaps I'll take you with me tonight, down to hell." (15.75)

John Ashpool turns violence upon himself and commits suicide to escape the control place on his life by his late wife, Marie-France Tessier.

Quote #9

Twitching a corner of the quilt back, she found the body of a girl, white shoulder blades slick with blood. Her throat had been split. (15.87)

The girl is another clone of Jane Tessier-Ashpool. If someone can clone multiple copies of the same person, complete with memories and personality, then is murder still such a horrific crime? The depiction of violence in this scene seems to suggest that, yes, it's still very horrific, and we're inclined to agree.