Transformation Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't cry, much." "But how would you cry, if someone made you cry?" "I spit," [Molly] said. "The ducts are routed back into my mouth.'" (15.68-70)

Molly's modifications make it so that she can no longer cries, but the transformation hasn't altered her ability to feel sadness. The act of crying and the feeling of sadness are certainly related but not inseparable. Still, there's something distinctly depressing about drooling instead of crying.

Quote #8

"The reason Straylight's not exactly hoppin' with Tessier-Ashpools is that they're mostly in cold sleep. There's a law firm in London keeps track of their powers of attorney. Has to know who's awake and exactly when." (16.52)

The Tessier-Ashpool family transforms what it means to be part of a family. Just imagine being a teenager at the same time as your grandfather while your father raises you both. Or the third of ten clones of your father's daughter. Talk about being the middle child.

Quote #9

"But you do now know her thoughts," [Neuromancer] said, beside him now in the shark thing's heart. "I do not know her thoughts. You were wrong, Case. To live here is to live. There is no difference." (23.49)

Linda Lee exists within Neuromancer's world. Does this mean she's still the same person even though she's in the computer world or is she just a program now? If only she updated her Facebook status and let us know.