Technology and Modernization Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Villa Straylight was a parasitic structure, Case reminded himself, as he stepped past the tendrils of caulk and through Marcus Garvey's forward hatch. Straylight bled air and water out of Freeside, and had no ecosystem of its own. (19.1)

The complicated inner-workings of Freeside make the Straylight's theft of its resources hard to notice. It allows those who run the technology to take what they want from those who access it. Like how Facebook and Google take the personal information of their users and sell it to ad agencies. Can you think of any other examples of this happening in your life?

Quote #8

"She imagined us in a symbiotic relationship with the AI's, our corporate decisions made for us. Our conscious decisions, I should say. Tessier-Ashpool would be immortal, a hive, each of us units of a larder entity." (19.39)

The old wish for immortality, eh? Where once people sought alchemy potions or fountains of youth, now they desire technology to grant their wishes. But could computers and machinery succeed where magic once failed? When we consider some of the wonders of modern medicine, it sure seems like it.

Quote #9

[…] as [Linda] pulled [Case] down, to the meat, the flesh the cowboys mocked. It was a vast thing, beyond knowing, a sea of information coded in spiral and pheromone, infinite intricacy that only the body, in its strong blind way, could ever read. (20.86)

Notice that the language describing their sexual encounter is similar to the descriptions of Case's experience in cyberspace. Case loved cyberspace but wasn't so keen on the "meat" of the body. Do you think the language suggests a change for him?