Memory and the Past Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The weight of memory came down, an entire body of knowledge driven into his head like a microsoft into a socket. (9.86)

Memories and the past are abstract concepts, but isn't it amazing at how physical and real they can be at times? Especially when the memory is a painful one.

Quote #8

"So the work time started bleeding in, and I could remember it… But it was just bad dreams, and not all bad." (11.142)

The mind is a complex bit of hardware. We talk about technology's ability to manipulate memories and the mind in the "Themes: Manipulation" section. Here, Molly manipulates herself into believing the memories are just bad dreams.

Quote #9

"Minds aren't read… I can access your memory, but that's not the same as your mind." (14.82)

Neuromancer's inability to access the complete human mind suggests an incomplete connection between humans and technology. This means Neuromancer can access Case's memory like Google can access your search history, but he read Case's thought just like Google can't read your mind… or can it?