Nature of Science Quiz True or False

1. What typically leads scientists to making a hypothesis? -> An observation
2. What most closely describes the process of the scientific method? -> The path of the ball during a game of ping pong
3. What is a hypothesis? -> The right answer
4. Which of the following is important for a scientist to keep in mind when collecting data? -> Repeating the experiment multiple times
5. What is the best way to avoid equipment error? -> Make sure our equipment is in good condition and calibrated properly
6. Which of the following is not an example of scientific honesty? -> Reporting when data was collected as the result of an equipment malfunction
7. What is the purpose of the peer review process? -> To ensure that scientists have a well-designed experiment, accurate data, proper conclusions, and they have followed the code of ethics
8. What is a scientific law? -> A testable explanation for how something works
9. Which of the following is not a theory? -> The explanation that the Earth's temperature is rising as a result of burning fossil fuels
10. What should a scientist take into consideration when conducting an experiment with human subjects? -> All of these answers are correct.
