Death Quotes in Nation

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Everything died if you watched it for long enough. (2.98)

Except cockroaches. They're never going anywhere. (And possibly naked mole rats.)

Quote #5

It would be the end of grief, a blanking of all bad memories. (3.136)

Mau considers the pros and cons of dying when he dives deep into the ocean to save Daphne from drowning. In this moment, he doesn't realize it would also be a blanking of all good memories.

Quote #6

It would have been so easy to heed the wily words of Locaha and sink into the blackness. (4.71)

Even though he's saved Daphne from drowning, Mau kind of regrets not drowning himself. It's incredible how easy this decision can be, when it's the last decision Mau would ever make. How can it be so easy to give in to death?