Coming of Age Quotes in Nation

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Was that [Daphne] back there? Or was this her, right here? (6.56)

Daphne's also in the awkward in-between stages, trying to reconcile her 'civilized' past with her more "natural" present. This is cool, because we often think of the growing-up process as happening the other way around: you go from a savage, natural state as a child to a mature, civilized adult. But what if we've got it backwards?

Quote #8

However much of a Daphne you yearn to be, there is always your Ermintrude looking over your shoulder. (9.20)

Sorry, guys: you'll never fully forget all your awkward younger years. Why should you? They made you who you are today, all weird and wonderful. If it helps, know that celebrities all have awkward high school memories, too.

Quote #9

If [Daphne] was going to be a woman of power, she had to take charge. She couldn't always be the ghost girl, pushed around by events. (9.34)

This is an interesting new interpretation of Daphne's nickname, "ghost girl." On the surface, it seems like it's just talking about, well, what's on the surface: her pale skin. But it's also about ghosts not being in control. They can't actually do anything! Being an adult (and being alive) means taking charge. You never have anyone telling you what to do, so you have to tell yourself what to do. Scared yet? You should be.