Monster Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I didn't do nothing! I didn't do nothing! But everybody is just messed up with the pain. (9.1)

That's the thing with violent acts—there is always a ripple effect. In this way, violence fosters more violence… though it also fosters other things too, like fear and anxiety and sadness.

Quote #8

I ain't shocked. People getting killed and everything and it ain't right but I ain't shocked none. (10.26)

Violence is becoming so commonplace in our society. Do you think this quote applies to life outside prison walls too sometimes?

Quote #9

Violence in here is always happening or just about ready to happen. I think these guys like it—they want it to be normal because that's what they're used to dealing with. (13.23)

If something is hard and you're told it's exceptional, it's harder to tell yourself there isn't a problem. When something hard is presented as the norm, though—like violence inside prison walls—it becomes a heck of a lot easier not to think about or be bothered by.