Monster Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When you were first born, I would lie up in bed thinking about scenes of your life. You playing football. You going off to college. I used to think of you going to Morehouse and doing the same things I did when I was there. I never made the football team, but I thought—I dreamed you would. […] I never thought of seeing you in a place like this. It just never came to me that you'd ever be in any kind of trouble… (8.82)

Reality hits Steve's dad with a sledgehammer. Would Steve have made different decisions if his dad had been around more? What's the role of a parent in his/her child's decisions?

Quote #5

The mops were heavy and it was hot and I didn't like doing it. Then I realized that the five guys doing the mopping must have all looked alike and I suddenly felt as if I couldn't breathe. (11.4)

Steve suddenly sees himself as an outside observer might—as a prisoner, a convict, and a bad person. No wonder he feels like choking.

Quote #6

It was me, I thought as I tried not to throw up, that had wanted to be tough like them. (11.6)

Steve used to dream of being a tough guy. Too bad he forgot to think through the reality.