Monster Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy. (7.5)

Doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that—if convicted—Steve would stay in prison until he's a middle aged man, all for being the lookout? Part of growing up is making mistakes, and it seems unfair to hold Steve accountable for decades over a minor role in a crime that got out of hand by no fault of his own.

Quote #8

King curled his lip and narrowed his eyes. What was he going to do, scare me? All of a sudden he looked funny. All the times I had looked at him and wanted to be tough like him, and now I saw him sitting in handcuffs and trying to scare me. (7.23)

The snarl of a bully ain't so scary when reality bites. Whoa there, big fella Reality—quit flashing those pearly whites.

Quote #9

The pictures of Mr. Nesbitt scare me. I think about him lying there knowing he was going to die. […] I can see me at that moment, just when Mr. Nesbitt knew he was going to die, walking down the street trying to make my mind a blank screen. (11.3)

Who do you think was more scared at this moment—Nesbitt or Steve? Why?