Monster Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You're not just snatching my son off like he's some kind of criminal. Wait till I get my coat. Just wait a minute! Just wait a minute! (10.48)

The cruelest part of this quote is that they didn't wait a minute. Not only did the detectives speed off without Steve's mom, they threw him into an adult prison when he was only sixteen. It's like they wanted to cut him off from anyone with any compassion for him… especially his mom.

Quote #8

All you had to see were the tears running down her face and the whole story was there. I wanted to show strong for her, to let her know that she didn't have to cry for me. (13.25)

Steve still tries to be a good son and feels protective of his mama.

Quote #9

"No matter what anybody says, I know you're innocent, and I love you very much." (13.33)

Here's a mother's love for ya: That's her baby, and she's not about to doubt him… even if he doubts himself. Moms rule.